Timber Sales:

Hensley Tract - Halifax County, VA - 36.5 Acres

With good road frontage and deck sites next to pavement this tract is set up well for all season logging. There is Loblolly sawtimber as well as Hardwood sawtimber and pulpwood to be found on the property.  Please see the sale prospectus, timber cruise and aerial map below.  Bids are due Tuesday Oct. 29, 2024 by 11 AM.

Elk Valley Tract - Bedford County, VA - 80 Acres
This tract is loaded with grade Poplar and also has an ample amount of Oak sawtimber trees growing.  With state road frontage, an existing network of woods roads and several options for decking sites, it can be logged any time other than perhaps the dead of winter.  The tract is being sold as a diameter limit select cut with all trees 18" in diameter at stump height and larger to be harvested.  Please contact us for a sale prospectus and timber cruise of the tract or check our Goode Forestry Facebook page. 

If you are a timber buyer and would like to get on our bidding prospectus list, please contact us so we can get your information.

Email:  goodeforestry@gmail.com